A World Evolving

A World Evolving

By Terry Ashley Plants and animals have developed astonishing adaptations to ensure survival in the face of changing environmental conditions. From early stages of multi-cellular animal evolutions, retention of structures for specific functions is obvious. Think...
Gardener’s Corner — Winter 2024

Gardener’s Corner — Winter 2024

With Director of Horticulture Eric Kimbrel As winter sets in, SHR staff and volunteers are cleaning seeds like a bunch of squirrels as snow falls with temperatures below freezing. It is important to inventory seeds so we can plan for germination and stratification....
Gardener’s Corner — Fall 2023

Gardener’s Corner — Fall 2023

With Director of Horticulture Eric Kimbrel With groundbreaking for our new greenhouse scheduled this fall, we are emptying out the hoop houses and planting everything we can. We’re adding the perennials and wildflowers to various beds throughout the garden. We’re...
Winter Adaptations

Winter Adaptations

By Terry Ashley You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to conclude that plants are different from animals. Animals travel: they swim, fly, crawl, climb, run. Plants don’t, yet they occupy as many different habitats as animals. Most animals adapt to extreme changes in...