monarch, caterpillar, pollinator, pollination


Conservation is the act of preserving current ecosystems for current and future generations. We work diligently to secure rare and threatened species of the Southern Appalachians and protect them outside of their native habitats. This allows for research, propagation, sharing, and reintroductions to be possible in the future. We also monitor changes to our natural world and the impact on the plant species we harbor. Our program actively works to apply and improve best management practices to preserve our natural areas. We share this knowledge with the public and our many partners in conservation as we build a resilient plant community for tomorrow.

Rare Plant Species of North Carolina (PDF)

The Florida Torreya

Coming soon!

wildflower, native plant, blossom
monarch, caterpillar, pollinator, pollination

Phenological Observations

Coming soon!

How can something so strong be so vulnerable?

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